Impala Projects, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México & Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, El Paso, Tx.
Project Supported by Project Supported by Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo
Passing is a transnational exhibition presenting 3 works by the artist and anthropologist Fiamma Montezemolo (Italy, 1971) divided between the Juarez and El Paso border.
Neon Afterwords (2016) installed in the atrium of the Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, consists of 7 phrases, written with LED fluorescent light tubes, that float at different heights in the gallery. At the entrance, 3 books containing the sentences extracted from Borges's short story 'The Anthropologist (1969)' are displayed, erased with a blue tape. The story, therefore, spreads in different spaces.
Passing (2017), ten gold ingots, each one inscribed with that word that has different meanings: passage, transition, disappearance, death, giving, ford, accidental change of racial identity. The work alludes in particular to the cost (financial and emotional) of moving in a world increasingly determined by geopolitical and metaphorical borders, around which speculation and profit increase dramatically.
Traces (2012) an experimental video with ethnographic investigations and art forms combined with an enigmatic electronic musical motif merge to create a meditation on life on the border between the United States and Mexico. Based on two years of ethnographic work in Tijuana, Fiamma refracts her experience in the region by sculpting a textured and vivid portrait, a kind of biography of the Wall that separates Tijuana and San Diego.